MindBoard Apps
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I released new applications, Small Sketch and Small Sketch Box

SmallSketch and Box

Finally I was released two new applications, Small Sketch and SmallSketch Box on Google Play Store.

Update 2024-06-06

Sorry, this Small Sketch and Sketch Box apps have been discontinued. I am now developing new app.

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ThinkPad E460 with Ubuntu 17.04

ThinkPad E460

ThinkPad E460 with Ubuntu 17.04 is very good.

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MindBoard 2 version 0.6.7 Release, Adding Group Resizing


At last, MindBoard 2 have got text, image and group resizing.

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Nowadays, a kind of outliner makes me think something.

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MindBoard 2 Production Release


Finally MindBoard 2 Production was released. It has come a long way. This release does not reach version 1.0, but anyway I decide to release now.

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Moleskine again


I got an orange color moleskine 18 month planners.

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Slither.io, Let's Play


Slither.io is very deep in my mind. This is human life miniature, isn't it?

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Chromebook and Google Play Store

Chromebook Flip

I won't buy ASUS Chromebook Flip but for some reasons I got it as a result.

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ThinkPad E460 with Ubuntu 16.04LTS

ThinkPad E460

Finally I got ThinkPad E460. E450 that is previous model did not have IPS Display option, but E460 has it.

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ThinkPad E460 と X250でのビルド時間の比較

ThinkPad E460 vs X250

I got a ThinkPad E460 for speed up my developing activity. And this entry shows you gradle build spending time camparison ThinkPad E460 with X250.

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Kuchu Teien Observatory and USJ, Yoshimoto Shinkigeki


I have traveled in Osaka.

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子ども向けプログラミング Ping-Pong Game


I try to create Ping Pong Game with enchant.js.

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