Previous post, How to get native ss one data from SVG that is exported from ss one, I explained how to get ss one drawing native data. This post, I will try using the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm in order to make it change to (a kind of) simple.
This is a test data a-coffee-cup.svg:
At first, create a main.kts kotlin script to convert ss one's SVG data. This script do that:
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler
import org.xml.sax.Attributes
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory
class MyHandler(
private val callbackStrokeData: (String)->Unit,
private val callbackDocumentEnd: ()->Unit) : DefaultHandler() {
private var underStrokeElement = false
override fun startElement(
uri: String,
localName: String,
qName: String,
attrs: Attributes) {
if( qName=="ss:stroke" ){ underStrokeElement = true }
override fun endElement(uri: String, localName: String, qName: String){
if( qName=="ss:stroke" ){ underStrokeElement = false }
override fun characters(ch: CharArray, start: Int, length: Int) {
if( underStrokeElement ){
val xyParams = 0.until(length).map { index->
"${ch[start + index]}"
override fun endDocument(){
typealias Stroke = List<Pair<Float,Float>>
val toSVGPath: (Stroke)->String = {stroke->
val head = stroke.first()
val tail = stroke.drop(1)
val data = listOf(
listOf("M ${head.first} ${head.second}"), { "L ${it.first} ${it.second}" }
).flatten().joinToString(" ")
"<path d=\"${data}\"/>"
if( args.size>1 ){
val inputSvgFilename = args[0]
val outputSvgFilename = args[1]
val inputSvgFile = File(inputSvgFilename)
val outputSvgFile = File(outputSvgFilename)
val factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance()
val parser = factory.newSAXParser()
val pathList = mutableListOf<String>()
val callbackStrokeData: (String)->Unit = { xyParams->
val xyList = xyParams.split(",").map { it.toFloat() }
val xList = xyList.mapIndexed { index, value-> if(index%2==0){ value } else { null } }.mapNotNull{ it }
val yList = xyList.mapIndexed { index, value-> if(index%2==1){ value } else { null } }.mapNotNull{ it }
val ptList =
val path = toSVGPath(ptList)
val callbackDocumentEnd: ()->Unit = {
val w = "34.882454"
val h = "37.46071"
val header = listOf(
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>",
"\"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" ",
"<svg ",
"xmlns=\"\" version=\"1.1\" ",
"x=\"0mm\" y=\"0mm\" width=\"${w}mm\" height=\"${h}mm\" ",
"viewBox=\"0.0 0.0 ${w} ${h}\">")
val body = listOf(
"<g stroke=\"rgb(76, 96, 130)\" stroke-width=\"0.254\" fill=\"none\">",
val footer = listOf("</svg>")
val svg = (header + body + footer).joinToString("")
outputSvgFile.writer(Charsets.UTF_8).use { writer->
val handler = MyHandler(callbackStrokeData, callbackDocumentEnd)
inputSvgFile.inputStream().use { inputStream->
parser.parse(inputStream, handler)
Output SVG w and h values are hard coded for now.
Before running this code, check kotlinc version:
$ kotlinc -version
info: kotlinc-jvm 1.8.10 (JRE 17.0.7+7-Ubuntu-0ubuntu122.04.2)
Run this code:
$ kotlinc -script main.kts a-coffee-cup.svg out1.svg
This code do nothing for drawing points, so it looks no change original data.
Next, applying the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm to this drawing.
Change the callbackStrokeData function:
val epsilon = 0.5.toDouble()
val callbackStrokeData: (String)->Unit = { xyParams->
//val xyList = xyParams.split(",").map { it.toFloat() }
val xyList0 = xyParams.split(",").map { it.toFloat() }
val xyList = LineSimple.convertPts( xyList0, epsilon )
val xList = xyList.mapIndexed { index, value-> if(index%2==0){ value } else { null } }.mapNotNull{ it }
val yList = xyList.mapIndexed { index, value-> if(index%2==1){ value } else { null } }.mapNotNull{ it }
val ptList =
val path = toSVGPath(ptList)
The epsilon value is key factor for how much simple it is. Here I set it 0.5. And LineSimple.convertPts function is necessary. I will show this code after. Now anyway show you this code result , the simplified coffee cup drawing.
When use epsilon value 0.5 in this drawing, data size is less about 1/10 than original.
data class PointD(val x: Double, val y: Double)
object LineSimple {
private fun perpendicularDistance(
pt: PointD,
lineStart: PointD,
lineEnd: PointD): Double {
val dx0 = lineEnd.x - lineStart.x
val dy0 = lineEnd.y - lineStart.y
val mag: Double = Math.hypot(dx0, dy0)
val dx = if (mag > 0f) { dx0 / mag } else { dx0 }
val dy = if (mag > 0f) { dy0 / mag } else { dy0 }
val pvx = pt.x - lineStart.x
val pvy = pt.y - lineStart.y
val pvdot = dx * pvx + dy * pvy
val ax = pvx - pvdot * dx
val ay = pvy - pvdot * dy
return Math.hypot(ax, ay)
private fun ramerDouglasPeucker(
pointList: List<PointD>,
epsilon: Double,
outputPointList: MutableList<PointD>){
val pointListSize = pointList.size
if (pointListSize < 2){
outputPointList.addAll( pointList )
} else {
val firstPoint = pointList.first()
val lastPoint = pointList.last()
val dList = 1.until(pointListSize).map {
perpendicularDistance(pointList[it], firstPoint, lastPoint)
val indexList = 1.until(pointListSize).map { it }
val result: Pair<Double, Int> =<Double,Int>(0.toDouble(), 0)) { acc, next->
val dmax = acc.first
val d = next.first
if( d > dmax ){
val index = next.second
Pair<Double,Int>(d, index)
} else {
val dmax = result.first
val index = result.second
if ( (dmax > epsilon) && ((index+1) < pointListSize)) {
val recResults1 = mutableListOf<PointD>()
val recResults2 = mutableListOf<PointD>()
val firstLine = pointList.subList(0, index + 1)
val lastLine = pointList.subList(index, pointListSize)
ramerDouglasPeucker(firstLine, epsilon, recResults1)
ramerDouglasPeucker(lastLine, epsilon, recResults2)
outputPointList.addAll(recResults1.subList(0, recResults1.size - 1))
if (outputPointList.size < 2){
outputPointList.addAll( pointList )
} else {
fun convertPts(pts: List<Float>, epsilon: Double): List<Float> {
val lenHalf = pts.size/2
val pointList = 0.until(lenHalf).map { i->
val pointer = i*2
PointD(pts[pointer].toDouble(), pts[pointer+1].toDouble())
val outputPointList = mutableListOf<PointD>()
LineSimple.ramerDouglasPeucker(pointList, epsilon, outputPointList)
return {
listOf(it.x.toFloat(), it.y.toFloat())
To run main.kts with LineSimple.kt together, do this:
$ kotlinc LineSimple.kt -d LineSimple.jar
$ kotlinc -cp LineSimple.jar -script main.kts a-coffee-cup.svg out.svg
or create a Makefile and do make:
run: LineSimple.jar
kotlinc -cp $< -script main.kts $(INPUTSVG) $(OUTPUTSVG)
LineSimple.jar: LineSimple.kt
kotlinc $< -d $@
Using this points reduce way, you can shrink you data or change your drawings as a kind of simple.
More code details, see this github repository: